Saturday, April 10, 2010

block of wood

i made a good decision this semester by adding polar opposite art classes. most of my classes, since i am a multimedia design major, involve staring at a computer for long periods. i generally forget to blink. to counter balance this, i am also taking printmaking which, up to this point, has generally consisted mostly of woodblock prints. it really is a great combination. manually carving a plank of wood is very relaxing and a nice change of pace. there are no key frames to concern myself with. their isn't render times to manage... although... pulling prints and editions can get lengthy... but at least i am doing something as opposed to just staring at a computer monitor.

i really enjoy the look and texture of the prints i have made, especially the one i attached to this post. the digital version does it no justice. this printmaking process has given me some good ideas for animations as well. look for that in the future.

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