Monday, May 17, 2010

pigzilla lives

the final project for my 3D modeling class was to create a short animation within a group. everybody in class was supposed to create a little art concept to present to the class, then vote on the projects they wanted to work on. i was in spain a missed a few days of class and forgot about the assignment, so before my presentation i did a quick photoshop drawing of the first thing i thought of... which would obviously be a giant pig. only the best digital artists are able to create the quality image i managed... and for some reason my concept was voted for and selected to be on of the 5 group projects.

after the group was formed, i came up with a storyboard and one of my group members came up with a good idea to go with a ertle farm toy look. i was the more established character modeler and animator so i delegate that task to myself (i was the group leader. i could do what i wanted). my first task was to make a pig. i started with pigzilla first but it turned into some sort of fat, ugly, pork pig and i scraped the model. i decide to create a regular, cute pig first and then just mutate it into some angry. i knew render times would probably become an issue near the end of the semester so my goal was to create really simple models that would render quickly but still have a very distinct and interesting style. really that just equated to taking an egg shape and morphing appendages to it. i consider the pig a success.

creating pigzilla was rather easy once i had a pig that i like. all i really did was stand the normal pig on its feet and give it some resemblance of a neck so it could look straight. most of the time spend on pigzilla was readjusting the geometry. bending an egg in half creates a lot of overlapping and messy meshes. also, getting the legs to be under the pig took quite some time to adjust. initially after moving the legs down, it just looked like a crumple mess of pink flesh. i suppose it might have been easier to just create an original mesh, but i really wanted pigzilla to be the exact same thing as a normal pig... and aside from some added polygons to make the eyebrows, it is the same exact mesh.

after creating the main characters, i needed to add some more things to the farm to make it more of a scene. a chicken was definitely needed. again, it really is just an elaborate egg and very quickly rendered. and due to some group miscommunication of tasks, we needed a farm house so i made one quickly. the house was pretty easy to make since i wanted it look like a plastic toy. that really helped me to limit the amount of polygons put into the model and the texture bump maps could be really simple.
so after compiling other group members pieces (and quickly creating pieces that were missing), i spend an entire day animating (in maya and modo), rendering (modo), and composting (after effects) the whole mess into something fairly interesting. enjoy:

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